So, after a week of seemingly nothing going right as if murphys law was f'ing me in the butt, it all came together last min :) I am leaving for LA on Tuesday and i'm filming scaryyyyy movies "Book of 1000's Deaths" I've had a TON on interviews come out here are a few :)
AND most exciting... YOU CAN FUCK ME!!!
Thats right, I am getting my own Vagina Mold made this week for Burning Angel by Top co Toys!! So you can see my (insert many many slang terms for vagina here) and make some sweet love to it. NOW I expect if you buy my who-ha, the FIRST time you have sex with it... light some candles... play some Michael Buble and easssssy it in... then FUCK IT like crazy haha. I had a pleasant surprise this Saturday at work... now sadly its wasnt a lot of money because Evansville is lammmmme... but my friends Krista and Darrell from Michigan! and my friend David from Kentucky! They had a crap week to and decided to get away for the night :).... after work we were to IHOP, where I might have recorded the most EPIC.... yes EPIC video ever. Call me the Tosh.o of porn. Here it is.... Well i best get packing!! See you in LA!!