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  • Sex: AIM - MeowMistiDawn
  • Age: 24
  • Height:
  • Sign:
  • Location: PO Box 1544, Evansville, IN 47706-1544
  • Occupation: Ecdysiast
  • Ink/Metal: All tattoos by Adam Potts at Acme Ink, Louisville Kentucky:
  • Scars/Birthmarks:
  • Music: Swing, Big Band, Classical, Independent
  • TV: the office, dexter, the tudors, home movies
  • Movies: Horror in the B Categories, Foreign, and Documentary.
  • Videogames: XBOX 360 LIVE - Gamertag - MeowMistiDawn
  • Food: Indian and Mexican
  • Books: Sexy Book Time!
  • Hobbies: video games, kittys, and porn
  • Best Time: in the back room of a record store. how high fedelity-ish
  • Fantasy:
  • Fave Position: various, depends on mood.
  • Masturbation Material: you!
  • I Have a Crush on: Dexter Morgan
  • Perfect Match: My Jim from the Office.
  • Drink: Jameson
  • Smoke: ew. but I am a hippe.
  • Bad Habits: slothness.
  • Where I Hang Out: School, Work, School, Work
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Just One? Man I cant pic! Joanna, Draven, and Jessie Lee totally tie
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: is because im a libertine, and free access to tah tahs
Great West
08.13.10 05:55 PM

I MADE it!! I'm in California now :)  After a LONG... LONG drive with two kitties and 5 audio books later (Sookie stackhouse southern vampire tales. oh gee holly they are smutty!) The drive was beautiful and minus one set back (losing my wallet at a desert gas station) everything has been really great.  My Roomies are awesome people, they are behind the making of Fall Out: New Vegas (yes be jealous of my coolest roomies ever!) So we havent gotten to hang out much between them working on the game and me scouting out places and meeting new people. Im technically in Laguna Hills, which is so beautiful but an hour south of LA.  I'm audition at Jumbos Clown Room in Hollywood on Monday at 6pm! You should come in and say hello and show them why I should work there :) I also went to see Scott Pilgrim v.s the World with Chris Gore (hope thats not name dropp-y) . It was WAY better than I even imagined, of course Edgar Wright never lets me down with movies. I had a great time going to the theater in Hollywood and checking out the Jumbos place and yummy Fred 62 diner food. Yesterday was interesting, I went to Dave's and he showed me some of that movie "Serbian  Film" wow. Man that is a real fucked movie, even I think so and I've seen some fucked movies. Whatever you heard about that movie. WAY WORSE im sure in real life. I still have to finish it though. Tonight I'm going to hang out with Sparky and Cadence yay!  Thank you all for your support and getting me here so I can finally be happy :) AND I get to shoot tons of content for my site now!! woot!!
Comments (5)
08.16.10 07:58 AM  
Woo! Now I have to come visit haha
08.16.10 07:58 AM  
Woo! Now I have to come visit haha
08.15.10 06:02 PM  
Im glad yr safe, beautiful.
08.15.10 06:02 PM  
Im glad yr safe, beautiful.
08.15.10 02:45 PM  
YAY! happy times for misti dawn I'm glad you made out there safely.
08.15.10 02:45 PM  
YAY! happy times for misti dawn I'm glad you made out there safely.
08.15.10 04:44 AM  
aw sweet, we should hangout some time i live in the valley:)
08.15.10 04:44 AM  
aw sweet, we should hangout some time i live in the valley:)
08.13.10 11:19 PM  
So excited you're here! We're going to have tons of fun! Coooolllll... I'm writing this as you are on your way over! WEEEE.... Go Misti Dawn!
08.13.10 11:19 PM  
So excited you're here! We're going to have tons of fun! Coooolllll... I'm writing this as you are on your way over! WEEEE.... Go Misti Dawn!
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