Hello everyone!! Sparky here...
So last time I wrote a blog things were going really well for me. I had just shot with Kylee and Marcus and school had recently started. I got my first apartment, and started dating this guy that I met at AVN. He works in the industry as the Director of Programming and Acquisitions for Hustler TV worldwide! It's pretty exciting stuff. Cause of him you can watch Sparky having sex in your hotel rooms or all the way in Asia!
School just ended. I know for sure I got in A in piano, and can play with two hands and read music and play scales. It's pretty exciting since one of my dreams is to learn to play Claire de Lune some day. This also means my interning for Joanna is coming to an end after I finish editing some you tube videos and PA on the next movie she's shooting. I will appear in it doing a 5 min. masturbation cameo!
Many things have happened in the past few months! I've had 3 new movies come out and had the opportunity to join forces with the Popporn guys. If you don't know who they are, check them out at www.popporn.com. I am a blog writer for them and have written a few articles thus far. They are considered the comedians of porn. Kind of like Joanna's porn, only there are very few tattooed girls. I was PAing for them on the set of The Delinquents starring Andy San Dimas, Lexi Belle, Katie St. Ives, and Kagney Lynn Karter when one of the girls flaked. I had a clean test and was looking pretty cute in my infamous P.A. shorts so they threw me in the movie where I got to fuck James Deen!
I also had a movie come out where I fuck Ethan Hawk in First Time Amateurs and my scene with Shorty Mac finally came out in Huge Cock Junkies 2!
My next booking might be pretty fucking epic as I just had word today via twitter that I may be getting casted in the next Popporn/Zero Tolerance production which is a porn parody of Fantasy Island where I'd be fucking the midget playing the character of Tattoo.
In other adult related Sparky news, I changed my porn name from Daisy Sparks to Sparky Sin Claire since everyone calls me Sparky anyway and I just started to feel douchey, introducing myself and having to say, "Hi, I'm Daisy but everyone calls me Sparky." Not only that, but I felt sticking with Sparky, even though it may be an unconventional porn name, was staying true to myself and my character and a nickname that was given to me before I even shot for BA (if you guys remember by Nate Liquor).
I now have Sparky Sin Claire trading cards I'm selling autographed for $5 plus shipping, and Sparky buttons that I'm selling for $1 plus shipping. That's pretty exciting. I never thought I'd have some Sparky merch. A shirt is in the process of being made too!
I've also been in contact with Kayden 420 and it looks as if her and her bf will be building a website for me. I've been in touch with many photographers and starting to set up photoshoots as well as starting to think about how to get started shooting my own videos! This summer I will be devoting a lot of time to this, as well as getting a blog set up and updating it regularly.
Now it's picture time! Get ready! You can also see sexy pictures from the Delinquents shoot and my agency page with Big Love Talent here: http://biglovetalent.com/Female_Models/Sparky_Sin_Claire.html
The back cover of Huge Cock Junkies 2:
The back cover of Diabolic's First Time Amateurs:
Me on the cover of The Delinquents with other BA girls Andy San Dimas and I believe soon to be Katie St. Ives!
And the back!
I've been SUPER into these American Apparel sweater dresses!!! Conservative, yet sexy and slutty!
A picture from the set of The Delinquents:
Some pictures from my shoot with Brandon Longwood:
Front of the trading cards:
And the back:
And this is the image that came from a sketch William Bronson drew of me with the intention of making Sparky Sin Claire shirts that'll be done by @tdammit! The boobs are being toned down a bit so it actually looks like me, instead of me with fake tits ;).
Here's Andy San Dimas and I on the set of Joanna Angel's bartenders:
and to wrap up, some more Delinquents photos:
I hope to be dilligent enough to blog more as I forget so much of what happens when there is so much to report back on! For now this is enough to digest!
Thanks to everyone supporting me and helping me along on my path. If you really want to support me then buy my movies instead of downloading them! And then write a positive review! :) I am super grateful to Combat Zone for shooting me when to my knowledge no other heavily tattooed girl has been shot. Now Dion is talking of hiring more tattooed girls and so I hope in some small way I've helped trailblaze the way for other tattooed girls. I'm also incredibly grateful to Zero Tolerance for all the work they've given me in the form of scenes, being an extra, and hiring me as their Production Assistant.
More to come!