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Air tight!
Air tight!
Date Added: 12.18.09   Mins: 38   Views: 41212   Rating: N/A
In porno, when someone has a dick in their mouth, a dick in their ass, and a dick in their pussy - that is known as an AIR TIGHT. Kind of like a ziplock container- only with penises. Anyways, in this video, I did one of these "air tights" and it was so much fun. I loved it!

Starring: Joanna Angel

Categories: Full Scenes

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Comments (5)
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08.01.10 05:15 AM  
03.07.10 03:56 AM  
Oh my god....if you couldn't masterbate after that, I don't know what else to turn to. SO fucking hot. GOD~!
12.26.09 04:00 PM  
Oh Joanna... you prove to all women out there that yes, you too can handle 3 men at one time. You are an inspiration... hahaha ;) loved it! - V
12.23.09 03:06 PM  
i concur
12.21.09 12:07 AM  
You know, I've always wanted to write reviews and conduct interviews for Burning Angel. Previous experience? No, I've never done that sort of thing professionally before. And, no, I don't really have any references. And I probably should've brought some samples of my writing with me, huh? What's that you say? You can determine my qualifications as a writer by riding my face to a screaming orgasm? Well, okay...if that's what it'll take... ;) Seriously...great scene, Ms. Angel. I laughed, I moved me...
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